Our kitten wellness program ensures that your new kitten is protected from many common diseases and parasites it will be exposed to in the first year of life. Our kitten vaccines protect against feline Leukemia, Panleukopenia (distemper), Rabies, feline Chlamydia, and upper respiratory diseases. Kittens also need to be treated for intestinal parasites, even though it is not always obvious that a kitten has an infestation. They can cause vomiting/diarrhea, but it’s possible for your kitten not to show any symptoms at all. Roundworms are a type of worm that can be spread to people, most easily children, and can be very dangerous. Roundworm eggs are passed through an animal’s feces. It is common to find cat feces in playgrounds and sandboxes, and therefore children are at a greater risk of accidental ingestion. So with a kitten at home, it is important to make sure they are dewormed regularly, and everyone in the household practices proper hand washing. Kittens are given their first vaccine at 8 weeks of age, as well a dewormer. They will need a booster for the first vaccine at 12 weeks, where they will be given another dewormer. This second dewormer will also protect your kitten against fleas, ear mites, heartworm, and mange. After this visit, their vaccines are complete until 1 year later. If you have a kitten/cat that is a hunter, it is a good idea to take extra dewormer home with you so it can be applied quarterly. This will ensure that your cat will stay parasite-free until their next visit with us. If your cat will be spending lots of time outside, we recommend using a flea treatment/dewormer monthly.