Our puppy wellness program is designed to offer your new puppy all the benefits of veterinary services available to him/ her from 8 weeks of age to 20 weeks of age. Our puppy vaccines protect against Distemper Virus, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Coronovirus, Leptovirus and Rabies. Parvovirus can be very dangerous to dogs, , as it causes bloody diarrhea and vomiting, and without treatment puppies will become severally dehydrated and very sick, eventually leading to death. This virus is passed in the stool of affected dogs and is highly contagious. Young dogs who have not yet received there 2nd set of vaccines should be kept away from animals with unknown vaccine status, and away from dog parks or pet stores. Socialize your puppy with friends’ or family’s dogs known to be healthy and fully vaccinated to reduce the chances of exposure. Your puppy is vaccinated every 4 weeks from 8 to 20 weeks of age. This separates the vaccines out to reduce the risk of vaccine reactions. Puppies will be dewormed with their first set of vaccines and a second dewormer will be prescribed to be administered at home. From June – November puppies will be prescribed Heartworm prevent with each vaccine as the dose goes by weight and puppies grow quickly.