Anesthesia and Surgery

One of pet owners' greatest concerns is over their pet's impending anaesthesia and surgery. At Hagersville veterinary Services we recognize these concerns.We offer many ways to minimize the risks, pain and post-operative recovery period. Talk to us about your concerns

  • Laser Surgery

    We are pleased to offer laser surgery as an exiciting new option. A laser is a device that generates an intense beam of light at a specific wavelength. The laser…

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    Pre-anesthetic and Pre-surgery Blood Testing

    When you book your pet into our hospital to undergo a surgical procedure or other procedure that requires use of an anaesthetic we will ask you for permission to do…

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    If travel, thunder, or fireworks upset your pet, he or she may benefit from tranquilization or sedation. While sedated, the animal will stay awake or sleep lightly but can be…

  • Pain Management and Control

    We know the issue of pain management is of great concern to pet owners today. As in human medicine, we have a variety of medications available to manage your pet’s…

  • Caesarean Section

    Most animals deliver their young without any complication. There are times when mothers require assistance and medical therapy is usually attempted to resolve the problem first. When medical therapy fails…

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    Patient Monitoring

    We monitor our patients to keep them as safe as possible during procedures that require general anesthesia. A veterinary technician will continually assess your pet’s heart and respiratory rate, blood…

  • General Anesthesia

    A general anesthetic results in a loss of consciousness in the animal and a loss of sensation throughout the body. Most general anesthetic procedures involve several steps beginning with the…

  • Local Anesthesia

    If your pet is having a minor surgical or diagnostic procedure performed, we sometimes use a local anesthetic to help control pain. For example, when we perform a biopsy (in…

  • Spaying

    Spaying refers to the surgical procedure performed on female dogs and cats to render them infertile. There are many benefits to spaying your female companion. First, you will contribute to…

  • Neutering

    Neutering refers to the surgical procedure performed on male dogs and cats to render them infertile. There are many benefits to neutering your male companion. First, you will contribute to…